I Dr. G. Jaya Sekhar take this opportunity to thank you specially to see my Vision-2020 according to Eph 4:11-12 through www.gnfem.org. The vision to initiate a systematic Theological College to Equip the Laity, Untrained Pastors, Evangelists and Church Elders who felt the “Call of God for Evangelism and Mission”. The College established with a burden in 1999 with 60 students, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh,
South India.
.During the past 13 years we established 60 Bible Colleges and equipped 9107 students, who have successfully completed their commendable Systematic Theological courses.........more
" I praise God for this great opportunity to share my testimony and 42 years of ministry experience with you through this website."
Give Every Person in India ONE FAIR CHANCE to respond for theGospel of JESUS CHRIST.
Math 28:19:20. Please encourage
us a Partner
in the Kingdom of God.